Monday, October 26, 2015

"Shalimar", the novel

The concept of this book was already a controversy from the beginning. Kenneth Tamara, a Christian, yet writing a book about befriending a transexual. Why would anyone not affected or familiar with the trans world be interested in investing their time into reading yet another book that appears to be nothing but salacious?

According to the author, that is the heart of the book. Acquainting with a completely alien world, allowing presuppositions, prejudgments, impressions, conclusions and fears to define and structure his conclusions, while pretending to be a Christian brother reaching out to a friend. His awakening to this only commenced after the tragedy.
This book is his lessons learned in how he failed in reaching out to a creation of God who just happened to be in a confusing physical wrapping. Divine love, according to him, does not discriminate in touching the outcaste, ostracized, underworld and subcultures of society. Living out divine love will push one out of comfort zones, and possibly stigmatize, alienate and invite stinging criticisms, so it appears to be much easier to remain behind sanitized and safe zones and proclaim love.

To learn more about the author, visit his webspage at Kenneth Tamara, and his EPK. "Shalimar" is available worldwide as an eBook on the Kindle store: Shalimar.