Friday, November 6, 2015

Conversation with Fongang Francis

Francis Fongang is a Senior Vice President with 5Linx, one of the fastest growing private multi-level marketing companies in the country. He has proven to be a successful businessman, who has a passion to help people not only live better lives, but to create secondary incomes that can be lucrative.
We decided to have a conversation with him:

Fongang Francis is a unique name. What’s your heritage or cultural origin?

It is Cameroonian in origin

With such a unique name, you are also proving to be a unique and standout individual. What has inspired you to be so distinctive? 

The inspiration to my unique key to success is my dedication to serve others, as a senior servant

That's very impressive. So for readers who are just getting acquainted with you, what do you do? Who is Fongang Francis?

Like I said earlier, I am a senior servant who focuses on helping people live better lives by not only saving money, but earning residual check payments on their essential bills - bills they already are paying every single month. And I just happen to be a Senior Vice President with 5Linx.

5Linx – What exactly is it, and how is it a prospective business venture for an average person?

 5Linx Is A Unique Vehicle To Financial And Time Freedoms For Everyone From All Walks Of Life. A True Opportunity To Live A Better Life.
What drew you to not only invest in 5Linx, but to be committed and successful at it?

Coming from an IT and Medical background (I'm a trained computer programmer), I did a lot of research on the company and the opportunity, and found out it was one of the only companies well positioned in the forefront of 8 Fortune 500 industries, with services and products that every single person on earth either uses or wants to use to live a better life. The future is so bright here, worldwide!

Wow! You make it sound so lucrative and so easy. So you have multiple products and opportunities that will fit the lifestyle of anyone?

Absolutely! Our product line focuses on everyone;s essential needs for their home, business, or health and wellness.

What about people who are overseas, like in Africa, Europe and Asia?

The Great Thing Is Our Products Portfolios (Especially Our Health And Wellness Products) Are Now Opened To Create Opportunities For Everyone Anywhere In The World! Great Global Opportunities.

Do you have any finally parting words of wisdom, or nuggets to share with our readers?

I am So Excited With This Oportunity And What It Has Afforded My Family and I in enabling me to empower thousands of others that I consider it a blessing.
My final word to anyone reading this is, a blessing is not a blessing until you pass it on to someone else - and now I am passing it on to you!

Thank you Mr Francis for having a conversation with us. And how can you be reached if people want to contact you?

I am on almost all social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube.
And for those you prefer a more traditional way to reach me, here's my email and number:

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