Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Conversation with Ashley Porter

This episodes Conversation is with Ashley Porter. She is a young aspiring entrepreneur and more importantly a Christian lady, who is making steps to influencing and affecting the lives of young ladies. And she recently became a published author. Below is our conversation.

Ms Porter, how are you doing in this moment you’re in?

I am in a season of transition, God is doing amazing things and I'm just growing through it. Thank you for this opportunity to sit and chat with you

Going through it huh? I hear you!!
So tell me, who is Ashley Porter, and what is she about?

Ashley is a souled out servant for the Lord! An overcomer! Wheew! I am a mother of a 6yr boy named Daniel. I am a published author, founder of Goal Getters Empowerment Assoc., a speaker. My hearts desire is to truly just be obedient to the Lord.

Wow! You have a lot going on there, lady. How do you balance it all and being effective and productive?

Prayer, prayer, prayer!!! Actually, that's  a question I ask myself in regards to other people all the time- how do they do it? and I get checked real fast that I'm actually DOING it too. (Chuckles) I'm learning through trial and error what works for me. I use multiple calendars and I prioritize tasks and assignments. I'll admit building from the ground up is difficult because it's mainly all on you until God sends those that are assigned to labor with you. But I've learned and still learning a lot. 

What are you passionate about, and what’s your vision?

I am passionate about helping others be exactly who God has created them to be. I'm passionate about serving and being used by the Lord however he's sees fit.

Goal Getters EmpowermentAssociation……what eactly is that, and how did you come up with it? I’m going to assume this is a vehicle to helping others?

Goal Getters Empowerment Assoc. is an organization that the Lord gave me  . The name literally came from a groupme group I created as soon as I created it the Holy Spirit said this is bigger than this group. I immediately deleted it and things began to be downloaded into me. It was amazing. Our first event was for girls ages 12-17, last September. "wonderfully made: empowerment for our girls" it was so amazing! Goal Getters Empowerment Association encourages youth and young adults to obtain a positive self image and self worth, as well as build confidence to achieve their greatest potential. We stand on the words written in Philippians 4:13. We are faith fueled and purpose driven with Christ at the center of our lives

So it is kind of like a nonprofit organization, right? That’s really impressive. How does your organization go about achieving this? What programs do you have in the works?

I haven't acquired the official non- profit status as of yet but YES! I plan different events that are free (not sure if I mentioned this already lol) but all of my events are free because I never want money to be the reason why someone does not come out. Right now I have things in the planning stage since I'm moving. But I am diligently working to get Goal Getters in schools and college campuses but in a different way then what's currently being done

And that brings us to your book. How did you come up with the title?

I actually was driving and I heard "Basic Training" and immediately I began to see that like in any branch of the military upon enlisting you must go through basic training before being able to get on the front lines of battle and the same goes for life. We go through different tests and trials that prepare us for this daily battle we are in. 

Were there any unique things that inspired you to write this book?

Actually, this lady mentioned to me that she believes in A higher power but was unsure about the bible because people wrote it. I didn't want to just tell her my thoughts so that same day I went home and asked God to show me how He used people to write the Bible and in 6 days I had the book, " Basic Training: how to prepare for your spiritual quest"
(Available on Amazon as a paperback and on Kindle as an ebook)

Is this your first published work? 

Yes! It is, I've been writing stories since 6 and actually wrote a teen series in composition books in middles school and passed them amongst my friends. It's amazing how God will totally manifest something you didn't even expect

What hurdles did you face and overcome in bringing this book into fruition?

Actually this entire process has been a total faith move. For the past year my only income has been $84 and God has shown himself to truly be Jehovah Jireh. One major move was one night after seeing the movie "Do You Believe" I had a conversation on Instagram with a girl in St Louis that I've never met in person and another lady was blessed by out conversation and at the time I needed $184 to finish paying the publisher for my book and this lady blessed me with $300.

Wow! That’s a divine intervention indeed, and an encouragement that no situation is so beyond that restoration or redemption is impossible. Thank you.
Speaking of hurdles, what foundational lessons have you had to learn as a single mother, and what would you tell that single mother out there stressed out and going through?

I've learned a lot but the most important thing is to pray and to keep God first. Honestly I wouldn't have a ministry or a book or ANYTHING at all if I didn't genuinely develop a personal relationship with the Lord. As parents we are merely shepherds to the child (ren) God has blessed us with. Lay the foundation, teach them how to pray and how to be THEMSELVES. Don't rush your child and allow them to enjoy their childhood

What encouraging words do you have for people who have a desire to publish, or achieve a dream, but somehow are stuck in dream phase?

I would say to never lose sight of the vision God has given to you, God honors obedience and the vision will come to pass if you remain obedient to the Lords leading. Don't compare your journey to others, stay in your lane and stay focused

Whats your hope and vision for this book?

My hope and prayer is that this book will bless every person that reads it. That people will see my testimony and know that they don't have to have it "all together" to accomplish purpose. They just need to be totally surrendered and submitted. 

Any last words for our readers?

I pray that whoever reads this interview is coming out of the shadow of doubt, rejection, fear, and anything else contrary to the word of God. I pray that you will be over taken by Godly confidence and Godly boldness to be obedient and walk in your purpose. There are people assigned to your life that are waiting for you to get into position and if you do not they cannot either. May the Lord move mightily in your life.. In Jesus name, Amen.

How can readers support your organization? What resources and help are you open to receiving?

I am open to receiving all forms of support- I believe people are lead to help in specific ways whether it's volunteering or a monetary donation when people help the ministry I was given to lead I sincerely pray that those that support do so with love and enthusiasm. On my website there's a link to donate via PayPal, purchasing my book is another way to support the ministry, sharing posts and flyers on social media help a lot to spread the word as well. If anyone is interested in supporting or helping with the upcoming book tour or anything there's a contact form on my website where they can reach me.

How do readers connect with you?

Facebook: Ashley Porter or Goal Getters Empowerment Association 
Instagram: Ashley_Speaks_

Thank You

Ashley A. Porter
Goal Getters Empowerment Assoc.
FB: Goal Getters Empowerment Association 
IG: Ashley_Speaks_
Reach* Teach* Empower

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